
As previously stated, the group met up today to get on with the soundscape. Due to many technical issues (such as not being allowed to book an audio edit suite!) we did not make as much progress as intended! But we have planned to meet again on monday to really get stuck into the task. We made a good start today but a bigger push is needed next time.


The day it all comes together

I have just sifted through all 60 of our audio files that were recorded last week and discarded any files which were unnecessary or were not of good quality. I got the files down to around 40 and they have all been named and put in the order of how they fit in the story.

I’m now going to meet up with the rest of the group and we are going to piece together the sounds and try and get a rough draft of what our final soundscape will be.

Out Recording!

Today Sam, Charlie and I went out and did our first day of recording as a group.

We first collected the equipment, then went to Charlie’s flat, as it was where we were going to be doing a lot of our recordings, but also we decided that we should go over the script once more, and decided upon what we shall record for today.

To begin with we started recording the sounds in Charlie’s room, such as an alarm and taps, afterwards we moved in the hall, then outside. We were trying to record chronologically with the story that we had made up as well as on the way recording sounds that we hadn’t planned on using to try and be a bit more experimental and creative. We eventually decided that we would call it a day as we could not find any wind chimes to record.

We have decided that we shall next be recording on Tuesday the 25th of November, as we shall then try to continue with recording what remains of our story so that we can get that out of the way and get to editing.


Hello bloggers!

After much hard work, today we pitched our idea to our tutor. Sam was responsible for creating the powerpoint presentation, a rough script and the test recordings you can hear at the bottom of this post. Charlie created the main soundscape idea, whilst Curtis created the blog and the storyboard which is also with the test recordings.

The pitch went well and seemed to get a good response. It has been mentioned that it may be difficult to fit idea into two minutes but we believe it is more than possible. Keep following our updates for more information on when you can hear the soundscape! As always, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can find our details here.

title slide

Above is a screenshot of the title slide of our powerpoint, below is the story board drawn by Curtis.



Here is one test recording Sam produced as an idea to open the soundscape: